Article by Greg Scurtu, MA
Published August 12, 2024
Step 1: I updated my bio
A great bio needs to stand out, but it also needs to cover the larger part of my career and experiences.
I used spacing to format my bio.
I stayed away from buzzwords. A bio is like a resume and it needs to prioritize being clear and concise in order to catch the attention of those scrolling by.
Step 2: I reached out to my network
I followed peers from the past whom I have fond memories working with.
Many schools use the “canvas” app for classes, and you can see your full class list of students here. Go ahead and add+introduce yourself to your classmates, as chances are you will be working with them throughout the semester.
Step 3: I Liked, Commented, and showed appreciation towards my Network.
I often find it true, especially in business, that you have to give before you shall receive. Still, many people won’t support my page even when I’ve supported theirs. This does not matter. The most successful people have helped the most people and have been able to find ways to give before getting anything in return. Supporting another’s career is a free way to get started doing this. And for those who have supported me thus far, thank you
My final and best LinkedIn growth advice would be to start early!
And… that’s all there is to it! LinkedIn is quite easy to utilize once I got the hang of it. I am thankful for the many great connections I have made over the past month
Check out my updated LinkedIn profile HERE:(1) Greg Scurtu | LinkedIn
Thank you for reading.